Here is something fun. I have been researching many areas of development, one of which is Linux. If you did not know, Linux is a powerful tool and is great if you want to develop, hack, or automate. So one cool project I have recently been working on is SSH into my Raspberry Pi 4. I thought to download an app with lists of Linux commands I could refer to every once and a while. So armed with this app I decided to SSH my device. The Raspberry Pi had Kali Linux installed so I could not follow instructions that were for a Raspberry OS, so I followed other instructions. I used systemctl command I found on this app. Which is universal for most Linux operating systems.
These commands can only be run with sudo or as a super user. By default the raspberry pi has ssh disabled you must enable it to ssh into the device. So start with the terminal command "sudo systemctl enable ssh" then run "sudo systemctl start ssh". After which you can run from a laptop or desktop "ssh [user]@[host]". To find host which is an IP address, you can run command "ifconfig" on the raspberry pi. This should give you the inet number, the device should have its own IP address. Now I can access my device remotely. This is simple and if I repeat the process by reconnecting to my device everyday, I will not forget the command. My point is use it and do not lose it. Make a habit of running common commands so they stay fresh in your memory. Same way that one would create a virtual environment within python.
I try everyday to learn something new. To challenge myself if I can, so that later when I have the job I am less dependent on Google. I want to know as much as I can so I can have that knowledge base. I am forever expanding my knowledge. I challenge you the reader to expand your knowledge. If you like what you are reading here I encourage you to subscribe to my blog. I want to help others by sharing a little bit here and there. Sharing my story, I know I am not perfect. But somebody is going to read it who might need it. Later they might use it. So never stop learning, never stop developing, and keep challenging yourself. One love.